Staff Scientist in the Field of Adaptive Optics at FH Münster University of Applied Sciences

The Photonics Laboratory at Muenster University of Applied Sciences conducts research in the fields of adaptive optics and solid state lasers. In the past, we developed a technology for producing deformable mirrors that led to a commercial off-the-shelf product of a major vendor in the photonics industry. We continuously refine and extend our deformable mirror technol-ogy for new applications, for example astronomical space telescopes, laser materials processing, and, most recently, coupling of squeezed vacuum light into third-generation gravitational wave interferometers such as the Einstein Telescope.

Your task will be to take our deformable mirror technology to the next level by employing single-crystal piezoelectric actuators and by testing new mirror substrate materials. In order to do so, you will train new Ph. D. students and work with them on adaptive optics projects. There is also room for developing your own research interests.

The position requires expertise in optics, mechanics, and electronics. Hands-on experience in an optics laboratory with imaging setups and interferometers is a prerequisite. Good command of Matlab and/or Python is also required. Experience with solid state lasers would be advan-tageous as developing new laser concepts is another field of research in our group. We are looking for an experimental physicist who enjoys his/her own work in a lab just as much as training students who work as research assistants or towards their Master or Ph.D. degree.

Supervising undergraduate students in the formal lab class “Technische Optik” and graduate students in the lab classes “Wave Optics” and “Development of Solid State Lasers” is another task. Our department has recently changed the Master program “Photonik” to the international Master program “Photonics”, meaning that you will be working with international students.

This is a permanent position at pay grade E13 of “TV-L Land NRW”.

For questions, contact Professor Dr. Ulrich Wittrock, phone: +49 25519 62532. Please send your application to wittrock(at)