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ET Annual Meeting in Warsaw

15. 11. 2024

The Einstein Telescope Collaboration gathered for its annual meeting in Warsaw, Poland, from November 12 to 15, bringing together the scientific community from across Europe and the world.

With recent advances in all areas, ET is making significant progress, bolstered by the energetic support of an engaged scientific community. “The collaborative spirit that drives ET’s scientific community has been a source of inspiration and has attracted growing support from astronomy, astrophysics and related fields”, says Michele Punturo, spokesperson of the Einstein Telescope Scientific Collaboration and research director at the INFN Perugia division, Italy.

The project also enjoys robust backing from political and societal leaders across Europe, and members of the general public who recognize the profound impact that the Einstein Telescope could have on science, technology, and education. “ET is an opportunity for Europe to lead in an emerging field of scientific research with a vast discovery potential”, Harald Lück states. Lück is vice spokesperson of the Einstein Telescope Scientific Collaboration and lead scientist at the Leibniz University Hannover and at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute, AEI) in Hannover, Germany.

“The Warsaw meeting was a dynamic platform for presenting and discussing the latest developments and plans for ET” adds Tomasz Bulik, director of the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Warsaw and the leader of the Polish ET Consortium, who together with his team hosted the ET Collaboration´s Annual Meeting.