
Postdoc Position in SMBH astrophysics in Chile


Postdoc Position in SMBH astrophysics in Chile

The TITANS Millennium Nucleus ( seeks to hire a postdoctoral researcher for a period of two years, with the possibility of extension and/or other longer term fellowships. TITANS research focuses on black hole growth and the innermost structures of single and binary supermassive black holes, via variability (ZTF, 4MOST, Vera Rubin) and imaging (the Event Horizon Telescope; EHT). The call is open to all researchers interested in super-massive black hole astrophysics, but we will give priority to candidates that can expand or complement our group from the computational and theoretical perspectives, including simulations of accretion flows around single and binary SMBHs and/or N-body simulations of galactic nuclei. Application Deadline: December 10th, 2024.

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